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But it’s so cold and I don’t

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  • Sbagliato.  :: A volte, anche quando il sole splende al di fuori,&nbsp;&nbsp<br />;essa nel mezzo ,nel cuore non

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  • Oh.  :: 
remember that nothing in the world I will not give a person, &nbsp;the sight which of the heart

    136 miesięcy temu

  • Ciao.  :: Hi there. I am a new person here. For now, I feel like a stranger. Maybe it will be better. =]

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remember that nothing in the world I will not give a person,  the sight which of the heart beats harder!                                                 ----------------------------------------------

Love is like a drug. At the beginning you feel euphoric, give up completely new feeling. And the next day you want more. And although not yet fallen into the habit, it already felt the taste, and you believe that you can control it. Thinking about a loved one for two minutes, and forget about it for three hours. But slowly get used to it and you become totally dependent. Then you think about it three hours and forget for two minutes. When she is not around - you feel the same as drug addicts, when they can not get the drug. They steal and humiliate themselves to any cost to get what they lack so much. And you are ready for anything to get love.

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Oh.  :: 
remember that nothing in the world I will not give a person, &nbsp;the sight which of the heart

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